Thursday, 22 October 2009
Individual Evaluation of rough cut
Our rough cut that we have made is to the standards that we wanted it to be; things that went well include getting the images to fit the music properly, the music is very upbeat and cheerful, and the video is much more depressing. We also managed to get a lot of footage to use as a backup for anything that doesn't work properly. However we only managed to get one short session with a camera, due to a variety of technical issues with two cameras, this isn't nearly enough and even though we have a lot footage, we don't have all the shots that we want use. This means we will have to wait until after half term to get another camera out and film the remaining few shots that we need.
Dom Read
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
camera problems
The camera that we borrowed for the weekend of shooting we had planned had faults with its battery, it didn't charge as it was supposed to and so we have only a limited amount of shots we can use for our rough cut, so we cant complete the deadline on time. We will have to film the rest of the film after half term, and make a rough cut out of what we have.
Dom Read,
Lewis Bird,
Liam Walls,
Max Bromley
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Shooting Schedule
from the problems with the camera we are now using a college camera and have booked it for Friday and over the weekend, so we will have time to shoot after college at 4:10 on Friday and then we will have the whole of Saturday and Sunday.
Dom Read,
Lewis Bird,
Liam Walls,
Max Bromley
Trouble Shooting
Unfortunately we have had some technical problems with the camera that one of our group members brought in, so we have had to change to using a college camera and re-think our plan of shooting.
Dom Read,
Lewis Bird,
Liam Walls,
Max Bromley
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Teacher feedback
This blog is good - make sure however that you add in explanation under each shot in your storyboard 0 it is clear to a moderator that there are not details under each shot in the picture - this does not look good - make up for this by adding in detail on your blog under each image to describe what is happening as it needs to be very clear. One analysis on your blog is not enough either and you should each do one from home - one that relates to your own idea. Also you must explain why you have put you as work on here - it looks very out of place - I thought one was to test the camera quality - if this is right - explain it, otherwise it looks strange.
Mood board

This is our mood board, it shows what film style we want to use in our video. We want to use a dark film style to show the character in a depressive light.
We will add a more in depth mood board soon.
Dom Read,
Lewis Bird,
Liam Walls,
Max Bromley
AS year thriller opening
This is the thriller opening from AS year. We have added it to show what individual members of our group have done in the past. This video in particular has a lot of editing effects to give the film a more surreal look. We also used a lot of head on shots which is something we also want to include in this next video.
Dom Read
Advert for a Music Video

This is an advert for the band 'Gallows' tour of England.
The advert features the bands feature album artwork from the album they will perform 'grey Britain' as well as the bands name in the middle of the advert. It makes the advert eye-catching, and easy to recognize.
The advert features the bands feature album artwork from the album they will perform 'grey Britain' as well as the bands name in the middle of the advert. It makes the advert eye-catching, and easy to recognize.
Dom Read,
Lewis 'Eddy' Bird,
Liam Walls,
Max Bromley
Friday, 9 October 2009
Example of Previous Video
This is a previous video that one of our group members did for his "opening sequence". we thought it would be a good video to watch and blog as it showed good conventions and skills throughout. for example good use of "match on action" shots, "180 degree rule" etc. It shows what we have accomplished before.
Dom Read,
Lewis 'Eddy' Bird,
Liam Walls,
Max Bromley
Album Cover Analysis

The cover itself is bright and eye catching. It is easy to see. The large amount of silver and white is very different to Metallica's earlier artwork, which usually incorporate darker colours, the 'Black Album' being an example of this.
However it is still very much Metallica due to the coffin in the center of the artwork.
Dom Read,
Lewis 'Eddy' Bird,
Liam Walls,
Max Bromley
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Our Storyboard
This is our storyboard for our music video 'If looks could kill'
As we have explained in earlier posts, we want to use plenty of head on shots of our main character walking whilst completely oblivious to everything around him.
Dom Read,
Lewis 'Eddy' Bird,
Liam Walls,
Max Bromley
Things we need...
For our music video we will need a few props to make our video look as authentic as possible:
-1 Main character
-Group of street youths
-Group of people outside pub (Older lot)
-2 People in a car
-Outside where he works (Tesco)
-High street
-Outside pub
-Sugar glass bottles
-Bottles/pint glasses
-1 Main character
-Group of street youths
-Group of people outside pub (Older lot)
-2 People in a car
-Outside where he works (Tesco)
-High street
-Outside pub
-Sugar glass bottles
-Bottles/pint glasses
Dom Read,
Lewis 'Eddy' Bird,
Liam Walls,
Max Bromley
Blog Suggestions from teacher
Remember to LABEL EACH POST so the examiner knows who has been putting the work in.
Stuff to include: Notes from every meeting you have with your group. Remember: you’re a production team now, not a bunch of students. If you have any differences of opinion, mention them, chart how you reach certain ideas and choices – use it as a diary of the project’s development.
Mood board – a collage of images, writing fonts and ideas that capture the tone and look of the project. Either collect pictures from the internet (flickr, google) and put together in Photoshop. Or cut up magazines and paste onto paper – then take a digital photo.
Influences – embed music videos, clips from TV, film trailers, experimental film – anything that has helped shape your vision of your project. Then write up just how the clips have influenced you, mention intertextuality, and even if you don’t end up using these influences then say just why.
Similar music types or video – embed examples from youtube etc and explain which codes and conventions you’ll be looking to use. Use Goodwin’s theory (it is on the blog) to the criteria to structure your analysis.
An email to the band to demonstrate that you understand issues surrounding copyright
Song lyrics and your interpretation of them.
Test shots – any footage you’ve taken to experiment with an effect.
Digital photos of locations, costumes, props, lighting,
Storyboards, timeline, shot list – take digital photos.
For DVD covers, magazine ads - CD covers, tour adverts, adverts and logo that catch your eye – take pictures of, embed from the net or post a link to.
Look on Photoshop tutorial sites for ideas of effects and fonts you could potentially use and learn just how to create the look you want. Remember this is marketing so make it appropriate to the type of consumer the music/video is intended for.
Podcasts! You can do Podcasts – just as long as they sensibly put together and are to the point. An intelligent discussion about parts of the planning, different techniques or even a Director’s commentary would make a great post.
Remember to LABEL EACH POST so the examiner knows who has been putting the work in.
Stuff to include: Notes from every meeting you have with your group. Remember: you’re a production team now, not a bunch of students. If you have any differences of opinion, mention them, chart how you reach certain ideas and choices – use it as a diary of the project’s development.
Mood board – a collage of images, writing fonts and ideas that capture the tone and look of the project. Either collect pictures from the internet (flickr, google) and put together in Photoshop. Or cut up magazines and paste onto paper – then take a digital photo.
Influences – embed music videos, clips from TV, film trailers, experimental film – anything that has helped shape your vision of your project. Then write up just how the clips have influenced you, mention intertextuality, and even if you don’t end up using these influences then say just why.
Similar music types or video – embed examples from youtube etc and explain which codes and conventions you’ll be looking to use. Use Goodwin’s theory (it is on the blog) to the criteria to structure your analysis.
An email to the band to demonstrate that you understand issues surrounding copyright
Song lyrics and your interpretation of them.
Test shots – any footage you’ve taken to experiment with an effect.
Digital photos of locations, costumes, props, lighting,
Storyboards, timeline, shot list – take digital photos.
For DVD covers, magazine ads - CD covers, tour adverts, adverts and logo that catch your eye – take pictures of, embed from the net or post a link to.
Look on Photoshop tutorial sites for ideas of effects and fonts you could potentially use and learn just how to create the look you want. Remember this is marketing so make it appropriate to the type of consumer the music/video is intended for.
Podcasts! You can do Podcasts – just as long as they sensibly put together and are to the point. An intelligent discussion about parts of the planning, different techniques or even a Director’s commentary would make a great post.
Dom Reed,
Lewis 'Eddy' Bird,
Liam Walls,
Max Bromley
Feedback from other groups
Feedback from other groups
Did Dom do it all?
Need to analyze on A CD cover, DVD cover.
Auteur presentations need to be uploaded.
We have shown plenty of development in our idea.
Micro and macro elements are very good.
We need to add more evidence of what we have accomplished
Did Dom do it all?
Need to analyze on A CD cover, DVD cover.
Auteur presentations need to be uploaded.
We have shown plenty of development in our idea.
Micro and macro elements are very good.
We need to add more evidence of what we have accomplished
Dom Read,
Lewis Bird,
Liam Walls,
Max Bromley
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Inspirational Video
This is a video by The Verve called 'Bittersweet Symphony' It is a very good representation of what we want to accomplish. The car barely missing him in the beginning is something that we would like to use in our video. We want to get the main character to look completely detached from his surroundings. We want to use the same head and shoulders shot of our main character moving in different surroundings.
Dom Read
Friday, 2 October 2009
Goodwins Homework, Analysis of 'Psychosocial'
The genre of the music video is metal, so instruments feature heavily, especially the guitarists and the percussionist, as these feature most throughout the video. The vocalist features heavily as well, due to how the song was made, with more predominant vocals. It displays fast moving camera work with much slower shots, contrasting the two. Metal is often associated with death, fire and horror and all of these are featured in the video.
There is no relationship between the lyrics of the song and what is happening on screen, the lyrics depict vengeance, retribution and rebellion. All that happens on screen is a performance. However the mood of the vocals are reflected in the video.
There is a strong relationship between what is happening on screen and and the general tempo of the music. The editing matches the speed of the song, slowing down and speeding up in the correct places, when the solo starts there are much more shots of both guitarists, and when the breakdown begins all the shots become much longer and slower in duration, giving the video a heavier pulse.
The record label for the album, roadrunner, wanted plenty of close ups of the masks that slipknot wear. showing how unique slipknot are and also what makes the video stand out, they also wanted to show the individual artists playing styles, e.g. Mick Thompson's wide playing stance and straight head-banging style, as well as both guitarists signature guitars.
The camera angles used deliberately give plenty of notions of looking, both from looking at the camera and looking in different directions. However, apart from looking at the camera, this is not purposefully done.
The main inter-textual reference is the large demonic symbol in which the the band plays in. Corey Taylor (vocals) says that it suits what the song is about, and also fits the ongoing theme of hate.
Dom Read
Thursday, 1 October 2009
inspirational video
This is a video called Rabbit in your Headlights, it conveys an unknown man walking through the middle of a tunnel, he is in the middle of a road, but takes no notice of any of the cars that drive past him, he gets hit by several cars and yet still gets up and carries on walking. This is the sort of idea that we want to incorporate into our video; the main character being completely oblivious to everything that is happening around him.
Dom Read