Tuesday 29 September 2009

Development of idea

Macro Elements

-Genre - Indie Alternative, it follows the conventions of an indie music video, no band playing and purely a narrative video

-Narrative - the video will be completely narrative based, no performance.

-characters - we want one central character, although we wont know who he is, and the video will effectively document how bad his life is and how much misfortune he suffers.

Micro Elements

-mise-en-scene - We will need to film on a day when the weather is dull and grey, we will also need extras to throw bottles at the central character.

-camerawork - we want to emphasize how average the main characters life really is, so we want to use shots that will show all this, like low angle and high angle shots

-editing - we want to keep in time with the music so the cuts will have to be in time with the tempo of the song

-sound-image relationship - there is a small relationship between the sound and the image, the lyrics depict trying to work out where they went wrong and the we want the video to show the character trying to think where his life went wrong.

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